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The Youth Parliament project is conceived, conceptualized and planned to execute with a vision to empower the youth of Pakistan with the ability to understand the importance of their role in community services and to nurture their leadership qualities.


The Youth Parliament of Pakistan (YPP) is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious program initiated by Mr. Abrar-Ul-Haq to foster and translate talent and excellence of adolescents and youths of Pakistan into tangible action and community service.


Arcturus Nursing College will be a recognized leader in nursing education, fostering a culture of lifelong learning and compassionate healthcare. It will integrate research, education, and clinical care in order to develop nursing graduates and specialized nurses capable of providing compassionate and high-quality healthcare to the community. Its mission is to instil the finest ethical ideals in nursing students and staff nurses in order for them to develop into exceptional nurse professionals who may serve as an example to others.


Arcturus Nursing College strives to provide its students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to become excellent healthcare workers.

We Have 1,55,120 Members, increasing everyday.

Guiding Philosophy

This program is based on building the future of youth of Pakistan on four pillars Inform, Inspire, Invigorate and Involve. The potential members of YP will have the qualities...


Pakistan currently has the largest cohort of young people in its history and subsequent cohorts are projected to be even larger. More than half of Pakistan's population comprises of individuals less....

Vision & Mission Statement

The Youth Parliament project is conceived, conceptualized and planned to execute with a vision to empower the youth of Pakistan with the ability to understand the importance of their...

Get Up, Stand Up, Stand Up for “OUR RIGHTS!!!”
a national human rights education program with the opening of “Call for Expressions for Training of Trainers”.

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